Experienced, professional, and personalized, our detail-oriented beauty practices are guaranteed to make your special day extra special and less worrisome.
Makeup and lashes (does not include hair trial run)
$150 - one person to four people
$125 per person - five or more people
prices are for within the Twin Cities area. Travel extra.
Photo Shoots, Special occasion makeup
Prom, Family portraits, senior photos, professional head shots, and boudoir shoots with your best foot forward.
Makeup and lashes to cover the event’s needs
$150 per person or
$600 - five to eight hours
Makeup Lessons
We will teach you our trademark “10 Steps To Your Beautiful Face” technique. This proven makeup application is based on working with women of all ages, color and skintypes and training in the cosmetics industry for 35+ years. This application is what I have found gives great results and is easily duplicated in your own homes.
In your personalized makeup lesson we will teach our unique makeup technique that will help your makeup look natural and stay on all day. We will also teach you about lifestyle looks, color, the color wheel. We teach and guide you towards the best skincare routine and what works best for you, your skin and lifestyle.
Our philosophy is to look better, not different and to “be beautiful every day”.
$150 - new client TWO hour session
$125 - returning clients
Group Lessons by special request.